episode 41
making room for what's delicious; finding permission to quietly quit the things you don't care about
I think we can all agree that we would love to be doing something that lights us up. We would feel lucky if we found ourselves no longer walking through our day, as if the whole thing could be glossed over and forgotten. The proverbial groundhog day. Misery on repeat. Boredom.
If, say, we could walk into our kitchen for that first morning cup of coffee or tea and already feel awake, excited, and filled with endless ideas...maybe even (gasp!) anticipation for what we get to do that day. This is what happened to Lani Fox, owner of Rosemallow Artisanal, and my guest on todays episode.
During the pandemic, when food shortages meant that even the little things were hard to find, Lani created a marshmallow so magical, beautiful and surprising that it literally blew her friends and family away. Using homemade extracts, fruits and herbs from her garden Lani created something unique and beautiful but the best part was she really really loved making them.
What I love the most about Lani's story is that she is also a scientist and she hasn't stopped being a scientist just because she also now runs a Marshmallow business. More often than not we have a romantic idea, that we have to quit one version of ourselves in order to pursue a newer version. But if both versions are serving you than holding onto both of them, and more if you like (insert she's also a mother of two) can actually help you to find balance and joy in ways that perhaps you had lost sight of.
What Lani has quit, however, is giving her time to the things that don't bring her joy. And when you stop doing that, you end up being who you actually want to be...somebody true and somebody awake and somebody making room for delicious things in their life…which can also sometimes mean you become a person who doesn't fold their laundry…because that is also who you want to be. And that is A-Okay.
I hope you enjoy today's episode, to taste some of Lani's incredible creations check out Rosemallow Artisanal and have some delivered straight to your door.
They are truly amazing.
Photo by Becca Zeller