Finding What's True
Finding What's True
how we move on; cultivating escape velocity

how we move on; cultivating escape velocity

Hey everyone, Happy Holidays. Here we are a week before Christmas if you celebrate that sort of thing. How are you all holding up? I will admit I've been a bit  (as in totally very much so) of a Grinch over here. Not just about the holidays but I am feeling a bit sad (as in totally absolutely heartbroken) about my Artist Way course ending. And so on today's episode I talk about moving on and moving towards that "new thing" whatever it may be. Whether we're leaving a job, a relationship, or just the safety of a warm loving creative space - getting ourself to launch into what's new and get free of the old (even if it served us) can be tricky. We have to take good care of ourselves along the way and take small baby steps knowing that with each wobbly move we are building momentum towards what's true for us. Julia Camera calls it escape velocity and her theory is that anytime we try to take a leap of faith in our lives there will be a test which will present itself. When you decide to leave your job your boss will call to give you your first raise in ten years, when you make the decision to leave that toxic friendship your friend will buy you concert tickets, or when you're leaving the safety of something cozy and familiar you'll feel very very much afraid and perhaps have serval seeming failures which will make you want to run back cursing yourself for ever wanting something different etc. Our job is to be ready for the test, see if for what it is (a chance to prove to ourselves that we are serious about following our hearts, moving forward and putting our plans into action) and to navigate accordingly. Right now I'm sitting with the discomfort of this very safe and inspiring creative space coming to an end and noticing all sorts of fears coming up for my ego. In order to move past the fear (that without the structure of the course I will dissolve into oblivion creatively) and unfreeze myself I'm choosing to focus on doing the work of showing up, making meaning of the experience and using that meaning to carry my feet radically imperfect baby step at a time, building enough velocity to launch into that new next right thing. Lots of love my friends and Happy Holidays. 

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Finding What's True
Finding What's True
I'm Sarah Davis and this is a podcast about telling the truth. It's about what you do when you look at your life and don't see much of your true "self" in it. It's about leaping, trusting, listening and laughing as you bump up against what's actually true for you instead of what you think "should be." These are adventures in truth telling my friends. It's a swirly compass but in the end, step by step, it guides us home.
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Sarah Davis