Finding What's True
Finding What's True
radical imperfection

radical imperfection

Ok friends, raise your hand if you worry about getting "it" right. Whether it's the route you choose to the grocery store, the project you're completing at work, the art you're making, the children you're raising, the sex you're having or not having, or the dinner you haven't even started yet....I worry a lot about getting it right. And my practice lately has led me to this one phrase "radical imperfection" - as in, what if we are radical in our imperfection. If we use it, allow it, raise it up, maybe even show it some love (because it means we're human) and ask it to actually push us forward, instead of holding us back, to a place where we show up and do the things we want to do regardless of the outcome. Let that imperfection sit down right next to us while we school our process, focus on progress and as Corita Kent would say "get to the doing, the living, the learning." I wish for you a radically imperfect week, day, hour, moment, that lets you show up and get to it; whatever that "it" is for you. Don't worry about getting it right just worry about showing up and doing it. That's the radical work. The showing up part not the perfect part. Lots of love my friends.

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Finding What's True
Finding What's True
I'm Sarah Davis and this is a podcast about telling the truth. It's about what you do when you look at your life and don't see much of your true "self" in it. It's about leaping, trusting, listening and laughing as you bump up against what's actually true for you instead of what you think "should be." These are adventures in truth telling my friends. It's a swirly compass but in the end, step by step, it guides us home.
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Sarah Davis