Finding What's True
Finding What's True
[rerun] i feel bad i'm not beyonce

[rerun] i feel bad i'm not beyonce

Our first rerun friends! I am traveling this week and will be reporting back with images and notes on all the cold things from the wilds of the north...aka Minnesota. I'll be working on a travelogue from the adventure which will soon be found in my upcoming Substack Newsletter!

This episode was such a favorite and I know that the message is one I need to repeat to myself on the daily. It's easy to feel bad about what you're not and it's harder to feel good about who you are. Even if that "who you're not" (for me, the amazing Beyonce) isn't living a life that you'd EVER truly want for yourself. I don't lay awake at night dreaming about performing in concerts but there's a script that says "see that! see her! you're definitely not doing enough, not being enough, just forget it. Might as well go back to bed. Well, i'm not going back to bed dang it, in fact I'm awake very early these days writing and listening and reading. These early morning dates with myself have lead me to Meggan Watterson a magical human who believes that love is the greatest truth and that within us lies an endless well of wisdom that is specific to our hearts. In other words you have the answers to your questions you just have to drop into your heart, drop into love and you'll be lead to your greatest good every time. Here is her heart mediation. You're welcome.

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Finding What's True
Finding What's True
I'm Sarah Davis and this is a podcast about telling the truth. It's about what you do when you look at your life and don't see much of your true "self" in it. It's about leaping, trusting, listening and laughing as you bump up against what's actually true for you instead of what you think "should be." These are adventures in truth telling my friends. It's a swirly compass but in the end, step by step, it guides us home.
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Sarah Davis