Finding What's True
Finding What's True
procrastination station

procrastination station

Procrastination station; the music on this particular station lulls you into thinking there is a better more perfect time to do the thing you want to do. Right now is not the right most perfect time to accomplish x, y, or z. You will probably tell yourself you have other very important things to do (other than the thing you've said you really want to get done) like go buy parsley or clean your floors. I once waited all semester to write my one page play per week for a playwriting class. I had one week to write something like 32 plays. Let me tell ya the adrenaline was high and the joy was low. I'm a procrastinator; albeit a recovering one. 

On today's episode I talk about my experiences with this particular hostage taker. This week I launched my Substack newsletter but not without a good deal of procrastination all the way up to the last week. We had illness in the house and I definitely used it as an excuse to put off doing the thing I wanted to do but was scared to actually do...which was sit my butt down and write. For me procrastination is always connected to perfectionism...and I deep sense of dread that when I sit down to do the thing I want to do I will be frozen and nothing will happen. Also that when I do share the the thing I'm working on my life will implode upon itself like some giant black hole of shame. Dramatic right. None of this has ever actually happened by the way. Something always happens when you sit down and give yourself the time to do the things you want to do. And I have definitely never experienced an apocalypse after making something, doing something, or finishing something. 

I also talk about Lynda Barry's book Syllabus. After reading this book I had one of those; I can't believe this human has been alive and teaching and making things and I never knew she was here until now. I love it when that happens. Now I want to move to Wisconsin and audit all of her courses and bring her candy. I'll be diving into this book this week and sharing some of the magical stuff she has been exploring on social and Substack. 

Link to the Substack baby below:

Have a great week my friends, lots of love. 

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Finding What's True
Finding What's True
I'm Sarah Davis and this is a podcast about telling the truth. It's about what you do when you look at your life and don't see much of your true "self" in it. It's about leaping, trusting, listening and laughing as you bump up against what's actually true for you instead of what you think "should be." These are adventures in truth telling my friends. It's a swirly compass but in the end, step by step, it guides us home.
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Sarah Davis